Page 19 - Rappaport Institute Magazine 2024
P. 19

Cortical Learning and Computation Lab
My lab undertakes a systems biology approach, integrating transcriptomics, My lab studies the remarkable ability of the mammalian cortex to compute, learn and store information. To do so, we implement unique approaches to expose the neural plasticity and computation mechanisms that underlie motor learning. In particular, we are exploring: 1. the mechanisms of input- output transformations at the single-cell level. We study both the input sites- the dendrites and the output sites-the somas of pyramidal neurons.
2. The role of various cell types and cell-type-related circuitries in the motor cortex. Importantly, the various cell types provide us with an effective handle to manipulate the circuitry. 3. The normal and pathophysiological brain, especially Parkinson’s disease brains. To obtain insight into these questions, we use new emerging techniques, including in-vivo two-photon imaging in behaving rodents, Neuropixels electrophysiology, dexterous and non- dexterous motor tasks, viral and genetic methods including optogenetic and chemogenetic perturbation of targeted cells, and a specialized acquisition and analysis pipeline we developed to study network and single-cell dendritic battle neurodegeneration.
Selected Publications
ˆ Otor Y, Achvat S, Cermak N, Benisty H, Abboud M, Barak O, Schiller Y, Poleg-Polsky A, Schiller J (2022). Dynamic compartmental computations in tuft dendrites of layer 5 neurons during motor behavior. Science, 376: 267-275.
ˆ Kumar A, Barkai E, Schiller J (2021). Plasticity of olfactory bulb inputs mediated by dendritic NMDA-spikes in rodent piriform cortex. ELife, 10: e70383.
ˆ Levy S, Lavzin M, Benisty H, Ghanayim A, Dubin U, Achvat S, Brosh Z, Aeed F, Mensh BD, Schiller Y, Meir R. Barak B, Talmon R, Hantman A and Schiller J (2020). Cell-type- specific outcome representation in the primary motor cortex. Neuron, 107: 954-971.
Grants and Awards
2019 The Diane Sherman Prize for Medical Innovations for a better world, Technion, Israel 2021 – 2024 Templeton Foundation, in collaboration with Edi Barkai, Haifa University 2022 – 2025 Einstein Visiting Fellow, Charite Medical University, Berlin Germany
2023 Endre Deloro Award for Excellence in Science, Adelis Foundation, Technion, Israel Israel Science Foundation, Breakthrough Research Program (MAPATS)
2023 – 2025 DFG, German Research Foundation, in collaboration with Friedrich Johenning, Charite Berlin
2023 – 2028 Israel Science Foundation, Breakthrough Research Program (MAPATS) 2024 – 2029 ERC Advanced grant
Jackie Schiller Lab
Jackie Schiller, PhD Professor of Neuroscience
PhD, 1993 – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
   Corticospinal neurons are sparsely labeled retrogradely via spinal cord viral injection. These type of neurons project directly to the spinal cord and carry the motor commends to generate movement. These neurons are characterized with a big soma situated in layer 5 of the motor cortex and a large dendritic tree extending all cortical layers.

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